In questa pagina stiamo costruendo la Gallery degli amici di Terre Rare con le foto inviate da clienti-amici. E' un modo per raccontare la nostra storia attraverso le loro immagini e, soprattutto, per dare memoria a pezzi che sono unici.
In this page we are creating the Gallery of Terre Rare Friends, with photos sent by customers-friends. It's a way to tell our story through their images and, especially, to give memory to pieces that are one-of-a-kind.
If you want, and that we'd love, send an email to [email protected] with photos of pieces purchased at Terre Rare or that you received as a gift, indicating your city and the period, if you remember. The name of the author will be eventually insert by us.
Images will be published anonymously and your personal data will be treated according to current legislation on privacy (Leg. Dec. no. 196/2003 and sub. amend.)